HA Special Sands
The term “special sand” covers all industrial minerals (except quartz sand) commonly used in foundries as moulding material for the manufacture of cores and moulds/dies.
Special sands include natural mineral sands, sintering and melting products produced in granular form or turned into granular form by breaking, grinding and grading processes, or inorganic mineral sands produced by other physical-chemical methods.
Special sands are different from quartz sand, particularly as regards their significantly lower thermal expansion behaviour within the temperature range of 20 – 600°C, their heat conductivity, refractoriness, and other physical characteristics.
Strengths of HA special sands
Special sands are used instead of quartz sand for coremaking and mouldmaking because they are characterized by better physical-chemical properties.
In consideration of the casting properties to be achieved, the individual advantages of a special sand can be used to:
avoid sand expansion defects, especially finning/veining
avoid the addition of gas-forming ingredients
reduce the core weight
avoid metal penetration
- increase the flowability of the sand
avoid a mould-metal interface reaction
control the formation of microstructure
produce thin-walled castings
Special sands for all requirements

The strengths of Kerphalite
Suitable for all casting types
Low coefficient of linear expansion
Can be used in the following processes: PUR-Cold-Box, SO2-Cold-Box and shell moulding, cold resin, resole-CO2 /MF, resol/ester, bentonite
- Ideally suited for high thermal stress
Natural, processed mineral = Andalusite
Aluminium silicate
Solid density of 3.13 g/cm³
Pouring density of approx. 1.6 g/cm³
Refractoriness: Seger Cone >36
reference temperature: >1800°CLinear expansion α 20 – 600 °C = 6.5
AFS 60 ± 5 | MK 0,23 mm

The strengths of J-Sand
- Suitable for all types of castings (except steel casting)
- Special base sand
- Suitable for PUR-Cold-Box, SO2-Cold-Box, shell moulding, resole-CO2 /MF
- 50% lower coefficient of linear expansion than quartz sand
- Optional selection of the ideal classification for your specific applications
- Natural mineral and sand mixture
- Approx. 49 % feldspar + 48 % quartz
Solid density of 2,66 g/cm³
Pouring density of approx. 1,5 g/cm³
Refractoriness: Seger Cone 17
reference temperature: 1500 °CLinear expansion α 20 - 600 °C = 13,7
0,17 / 0,20 / 0,26 / 0,28 / 0,33 (± 0,03 mm)

The strengths of M-Sand
Suitable for all casting types
Suitable for the following processes: PUR-Cold-Box and SO2-Cold-Box, cold resin, resole-CO2 /MF, resole/ester
- Very low coefficient of linear expansion
- Ideally suited for extreme thermal stress
- Melt product = fused mullite
- Aluminosilicate
- Solid density of 3,11 g/cm³
Pouring density of approx. 1,6 g/cm³
Refractoriness: Seger Cone > 36
reference temperature: > 1800 °CLinear expansion α 20 - 600 °C = 4,5
AFS 60 ± 5 | MK = 0,23 (± 0,02 mm)

The strengths of Cerabeads
Suitable for all types of castings
Suitable for the following processes: PUR-Cold-Box, SO2-Cold-Box, shell moulding, cold resin, resole-CO2 /MF, resole/ester
Low coefficient of linear expansion
Ideally suited for extreme thermal stress
- Optional selection of the ideal classification for your specific applications
Synthetischer Synthetic sand = sintered mullite= Sintermullit
Aluminosilicate ( > 80% mullite)
Solid density of 2,86 g/cm³
Pouring density of approx. 1,6 g/cm³
Refractoriness: Seger Cone >36
reference temperature: = 1800 °CLinear expansion α 20 - 600 °C = 4,0
AFS 42, 65 and 107 | MK 0,38 / 0,23 / 0,11 (± 0,02 mm)

Areas of application
Cold-Box Process | Iron casting
Water jackets for crankcases, cylinder heads, turbines and exhaust manifolds
Cold-Box Process | Al-Casting
Water jackets for crankcases and cylinder heads
Inorganic | Al-Casting
Water jackets for electric drive trains
- Melt product = melt bauxite
≥ 72 % Al2O3 + SiO2, Fe2O3, TiO2
Solid density of 3,3 g/cm³
Pouring density of approx. 2,0 g/cm³
Refractoriness: Seger Cone 36
reference temperature: 1800 °CLinear expansion α 20 - 600 °C = 7,2
AFS 55 ± 5 / 65 ± 5
MK 0,27 / 0,23 (± 0,03 mm)
Foundry characteristics and applications of HA special sands
The main difference between HA special sands and silica sand is the significantly lower coefficient of linear expansion and significantly lower thermal expansion behaviour during the casting process.
Furthermore, HA special sands are the ideal moulding material for core production:
- High sintering and melting points (except J-sand)
- Verträglichkeit mit allen für die Kernfertigung verwendeten Bindemitteln
- High cold-strength properties of the moulding material
- High hot strength properties of the moulding material (except J-sand)
- Available in a range of different classifications
Many years of experience at Hüttenes-Albertus have shown that the use of HA special sands depends on the complexity of the respective casting, the metal used for the casting, the susceptibility to veining, the casting temperature and the binder system.
Application examples
The use of J-sand for PUR Cold-Box core production allows automotive series castings to be produced without sand expansion defects, thereby avoiding the need to add gas and odour-forming additives.
For castings manufactured under extreme thermal stresses with a high tendency to veining, we recommend the use of Kerphalite KF, Cerabeads or M-Sand for PUR-Cold-Box. The high-temperature properties of these HA special sands also ensure that they can be used as a basic moulding material for steel castings.
The thermal expansion of shell moulding material tends towards zero when using quartz-special sand mixtures. When using 100% Kerphalite KF and Cerabeads, shrinkage of the shell core occurs. In sensitive hydraulic and automotive casting, complex cores are produced with coated HA special sands, which guarantee flawless castings close to final dimensions.
Hüttenes-Albertus markets its shell moulding sands containing Cerabeads under the brand name Keracron®.