Together for Sustainability
An effective change requires everyone to work together - especially when it comes to the goal of creating a more sustainable chemical industry. With this premise in mind, the chemical industry founded the Together for Sustainability initiative in 2011. The association of 50 members has set itself the task of measuring the sustainability performance of the chemical sector worldwide with effective audits and transparent standards.
The HA Group is also a member of the TfS initiative and has therefore reached an important global milestone in the HA sustainability strategy. Together with the international network, the aim is to assess and demonstrably improve the sustainability performance in the areas of environment, management, human rights, health and safety of the entire chemical sector.
UN Global Compact
A strong commitment to sustainability: As of April 11, 2023, HA Group has joined the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the world's largest CSR initiative. As a signatory of the UN Global Compact, HA Group is committed to the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As one of over 22,000 participating companies worldwide, the task now is to implement a roadmap for the future and to demonstrably follow it. This also commits the HA Group to publishing an annual progress report.
We are conducting intensive research to combine the specialist knowledge in foundry chemistry acquired over many decades with completely new research approaches. In this way, we aim to work with our customers to make foundry processes even more efficient and environmentally friendly.
Under the umbrella of the German Chemie³ initiative, the German Chemical Employers' Association (BAVC), the chemical union IGBCE and the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) have been working since 2013 to establish sustainability as a guiding principle in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Sustainability is understood as a triad of economy, ecology and social issues.
HA supports this initiative through its memberships in the employers' association and the VCI.
► More information on the Chemie³ Initiative
Responsible Care
The Responsible Care initiative stands for the continuous improvement of health protection, environmental protection, safety and security in companies. It is an important contribution to sustainability. In June 2021, the chemical-pharmaceutical industry and the chemical trade in Germany decided to continue their successful cooperation to continuously improve safety, health and environmental protection.
The partners have been setting common goals for the global industry initiative "Responsible Care" since 1996, and the agreement has thus been renewed a second time after 2007. By re-subscribing to the VCI Guidelines for Responsible Care, HA is actively committed to the principles of this initiative.