Our guidelines
The HA Group has established clear ethical guidelines for daily actions and dealings with colleagues, partners and stakeholders, which are anchored in the Code of Conduct and the Global Employee Handbook.
The Supplier Code of Conduct and the Sustainable Sourcing Policy form the basis for sustainable procurement. These policies set the framework for effective supply chain management based on long-term strategic partnerships with a clear focus on sustainability.
Our certified management systems in the areas of occupational safety, environment, quality and energy form the solid foundation for implementing and tracking all measures to achieve our long-term sustainability goals.
Through clear ethical guidelines, sustainable supply chain management and our efficient management systems, we are determined to make our contribution to a sustainable future and take responsibility for people and the environment.
Code of Conduct for HA Group
Economic success and good corporate citizenship are inseparable objectives of our corporation.
HA’s core values are anchored in the guiding principles of acting responsibly and ethically towards employees, business partners, society and environment.
The essential principles and guidelines that determine our actions and our conduct towards business partners, the public and our colleagues are outlned in our HA Code of Conduct.
Global occupational health and safety policy
Safety and health at work are a primary corporate objective. The HA Group considers it a self-evident duty to provide a safe and healthy (working) environment for its employees, customers, suppliers and all other persons working in or visiting its offices and/or production facilities worldwide.
Learn more about our commitment to occupational safety and health:
Global Policy on Climate & Environmental Protection and Product Stewardship
Climate change and the protection of the environment and nature as a whole is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Climate change must be countered with suitable measures and thus reduced as far as possible. At the same time, the protection and preservation of the environment and nature - also by assuming product stewardship - is our obligation to society and future generations.
Learn more about our principles and objectives regarding climate-, environmental protection and product stewardship:
Global Employee Handbook
The Global Employee Handbook is based on the core values of the HA Group: mutual respect, responsibility, appreciation, trust and openness. These values are exemplified in the company and they are intended to shape the attitude and behavior of our employees worldwide.
In this Global Employee Handbook, the HA Group describes its central concerns with regard to working conditions and human rights. The guidelines and standards formulated in it are binding for all employees worldwide.
Learn more:
Sustainable Sourcing | Supplier Code of Conduct
As a globally active, solid and successful family business, HA bears a great responsibility towards people and the environment. Economic success and social responsibility are two goals of our company that cannot be separated from each other. Responsible and ethical behaviour towards employees, business partners, society and the environment are an integral part of HA's value system.
HA expects its suppliers and service partners to share our guiding principles.
► Download Supplier Code of Conduct
If you need the Supplier Code of Conduct for your country and in your language, please contact Strategic Purchasing in Düsseldorf.
CSR Policy
As a globally active family company, we are aware of our responsibility towards people and the environment and are very serious about it. We are convinced that economic success is inextricably linked to a commitment to responsible action. This applies not only to our employees, but also to society as a whole and the environment. With our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) guidelines, we commit ourselves to adhering to a wide range of fundamental principles. For today and tomorrow: We not only want to live up to our responsibility every day, but strive to make the future a little better every day. This applies not only to our social commitment, but also to the development of ever more resource-efficient products.
Diversity & Equal Opportunities
We are committed to equal opportunities and promote a working environment characterised by respect and tolerance, where the value and dignity of each individual is recognised and all employees treat each other with courtesy, honesty and respect. Our employees treat each other with trust. At HA, we provide a working environment that is free from discrimination.
We do not tolerate any discriminatory behaviour towards employees or applicants on the grounds of ethnic origin, nationality, gender, pregnancy or parenthood, marital status, age, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation or any other grounds covered by the prohibition of discrimination.
Hüttenes-Albertus values the diversity of its employees. Policies that promote diversity enable HA to attract the best employees for all levels and areas of the company. We motivate our employees to participate in creating a work environment that promotes diversity and to take ownership of decisions that reflect this.