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Gain work experience

If you would like to gain valuable professional experience in an international company between lecture hall and library, then Hüttenes-Albertus in Germany is the right place for you. Put into practice everything you have learned in theory so far and experience the daily business of our company.

No matter whether in the context of an exciting internship, in the supervision of the final project for the bachelor or master, in the supervision of the doctorate or also as a working student during your studies, we offer you the opportunity to network, open up further perspectives for your professional future and gain important practical experience.

On course for success with HA


Gain exciting insights into professional life, work on challenging projects and put what you have learned into practice – with an internship at HA you set the course for your successful professional future.

Please plan your internship as early as possible and apply preferably three to six months before your desired date so that we can organise your assignment and coordinate it in detail with you and your future supervisor. Your internship should generally last between three and six months. Shorter internships are also possible in exceptional cases. Please let us know in your cover letter whether you are applying for a mandatory internship.

If you are considering an internship at HA, please send us your detailed application and let us know where you would like to work and for how long via the online application portal. Please note that we do not advertise internship positions, but assess every application individually.

Final projects

Are you looking for a future-oriented start to your professional life? Bachelor and master theses in the foundry industry are both challenging and interesting. To ensure that your thesis is a complete success, you will receive intensive support during your time with us and will have access to the latest equipment.

We accept most theses on the basis of unsolicited applications with suitable and interesting suggestions for topics. So, if you have an exciting idea for your thesis, we look forward to receiving your application. Simply send us your application via our online application portal as an unsolicited application.







Working students

More than just a part-time job: at HA you are part of the team from the very beginning, get to know the assignments within your department and get involved. We are looking forward to your creative ideas!

Current openings for working students at HA in Germany can be found here.

If you do not find a suitable position, please send us an unsolicited application.


Read what trainee Julian Zybell has to say about his experiences at Hüttenes-Albertus

Julian Zybell is studying for a Bachelor’s degree in International Marketing at the Fontys International Business School in Venlo. During a six-month internship at Hüttenes-Albertus in Düsseldorf, he gained exciting insights into the field of marketing and sales.


Read what trainee Julian Zybell has to say about his experiences at Hüttenes-Albertus

Julian Zybell is studying for a Bachelor’s degree in International Marketing at the Fontys International Business School in Venlo. During a six-month internship at Hüttenes-Albertus in Düsseldorf, he gained exciting insights into the field of marketing and sales.

Mr Zybell, which projects and assignments were you able to work on?

I worked in the marketing department and was welcomed very warmly right from the start. After my initial training, I took an active role in the department. Mainly I was involved in the creation of HA’s new website. I also helped to expand the intranet, created new content and updated existing pages.

What experiences and insights has the internship brought you?

For me it was very interesting to look behind the scenes of a B2B company and its marketing department. Due to the company’s international orientation, I was able to gain insights into the worldwide cooperation between different departments. In addition, I really came to appreciate the difference between the theory I learned at university and the practical experience I gained at HA. I learned a lot about the foundry industry – an industry about whose great importance I hardly knew anything before. All in all, it is an experience that will certainly help me enormously during my studies and in my further professional life.

Did you enjoy your time at Hüttenes-Albertus?

I liked it very much! I can recommend an internship at Hüttenes-Albertus to anyone interested in learning more about a successful B2B company. As an intern, you are taken very seriously and can contribute your own opinions and ideas right from the start. Furthermore, the company cultivates a very friendly, yet professional environment. I really appreciate the experience I gained and will certainly come back to HA during one of my next stays in Düsseldorf.

Thank you very much for taking the time to talk with us, Mr Zybell. We wish you all the best for your studies and the start of your professional life.


All applications should be submitted via our online application portal.

Please contact us at, we’ll be delighted to help you.